I started making 3D art as a high school student. Throughout college and in my free time I have honed my skills as an artist and storytelling through Blender. At this time, I currently create art principally for fun. I enjoy experimenting with different artistic styles as well as pushing my art to take full advantage of the unique medium that is 3D art.
In my first independent study with the Middlebury Animation Studio, I decided to combine my two passions for 3D art and computer science and experiment with generative art. Using Blender's Python API I coded a procedurally generated city, complete with a mountainous backdrop and randomly created textures.
As I gain experience as a 3D artist, I have made steps to move away from some the photorealistic trends that a lot of beginner artists fall into. For me, this has looked like both stylizing my modeling and my compositing...
Stylizing my shading...
And playing with depth of field...
Copyright © 2022 Kevin Ewing